Install Quickstart

Testing Version

Postgres-specific part

  1. Download the Postgres SQL file
  2. Run createuser -PE (framework_user_name) as your postgres admin user
  3. Run createdb -O (framework_user_name) (database_name) as your postgres admin user
  4. Edit /etc/postgresql/(version)/main/pg_hba.conf and add permissions for your new user
  5. Run psql (database_name) (framework_user_name) < (postgres_sql_file)

MySQL-specific part

  1. Download the MySQL file
  2. Log into your database as an administrator
  3. Run create database (database_name)
  4. Run grant all privileges on (database_name).* to (framework_user_name)@'(host)' IDENTIFIED BY '(framework_user_password)';

Common part

  1. Download dummy and framework packages
  2. Extract the two tarballs
  3. Symlink framework-1.1-beta2 to framework
  4. Symlink framework to dummy-1.1-beta1/framework
  5. Copy framework-1.1-beta1 to dummy-1.1-beta/framework
  6. Cd to dummy folder
  7. Copy framework/vars.php to overrides/
  8. Edit overrides/vars.php, put in the db user, pass, and db that you configured in step 3, plus change the rest of the settings to what you’d like them to be.

Production Version

Here is the quickest way you can get the framework up and running on your system.

  1. Download SQL

  2. Create a database in MySQL

    SQL: create database framework_db;

  3. Grant access to a user

    SQL: grant all privileges on framework_db.* to framework_user@'localhost' identified by 'framework_pass';

    Be sure to use your own db, user, and password

  4. Import the framework SQL Command line: mysql -u framework_user -p framework_db < gtphoto2-framework.sql

  5. Download dummy and framework packages

  6. Extract the two tarballs

  7. Symlink framework to dummy/framework

  8. Cd to dummy folder

  9. Copy framework/vars.php to overrides/

  10. Edit overrides/vars.php, put in the db user, pass, and db that you configured in step 3, plus change the rest of the settings to what you’d like them to be.
